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unused but loved (and one retired) images from Nov/Dec 2020

nice day, good day, quiet loving day 12/1/21 .. i think it's the rains


November 19, 2020
when you notice a trend, thread or spark in your camera roll..
incidental, spontaneous and intentional light ... lots of green lights...and dark space
and brilliant metals...
humans being a brilliant amalgam

a story plate from my femme naive banquet display...
with a poem written, lived years ago.. 11/17/20

A Place Above
It was youth, caving
on a rise of plateau
late on a summer night.
Stars were out.
He brought a tattered quilt
that held more promise than the tryst.
The small trees were ragged too,
twisted in dry yearning
and seemed to cry out their
impossible desires.
The air was moist and pungent,
sumptuous, receptive.
And the raw brown earth had been dug out
to make a cliff that they two climbed
to a place above.
shadow on 270 Concord

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