honeyjones gap year adventure scholarship
update 9/2023
Although honeyjones could not afford to offer the scholarship this year we are currently in the process of advocating for a reintroduction of a scholarship (through the business itself) with potential funding through a grant from the Mass Cultural Council.
In the spring of 2020, honeyjones set up a small scholarship award through our local Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, the aim of which was to help support graduating students of color who have the desire to pursue artistic plans outside of traditional formats. Last year, there were no applicants.
This year, we had several, and the award was given to Greggy Bazile, who graduated from CRLS in May. Greggy has a strong foundational background in the arts and design and enjoys a particular interest in architecture. He is currently an intern with DPR Construction in Cambridge. We look forward very much to learning about Greggy's adventures in the coming years and wish him the very best on his journeys!!!
Scholarship description is listed at the bottom of this page.
Recipients receive a token amount of funds and an opportunity to show the fruits of their efforts at honeyjones gallery in the future year if they so choose.

2021 scholarship recipient Greggy Bazile
2022 scholarship recipient - Mingyu Lian
Our 2022 scholarship recipient was Mingyu Lian, also a graduating senior with an interest in fashion and design who is pursuing her passions at LIM College in New York City. Mingyu studies digital design but also designs and fabricates leather bags.
Original description of the scholarship as it was listed through Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School beginning in 2020:
$750 scholarship to be awarded to a graduating student of color who has decided to embark on a gap year to pursue artistic dreams. The student need not be affiliated with an official gap year program, but some evidence or plan in the form of a personal statement should be offered, if possible at this time. The token amount of money is intended to support the student in spirit and in solidarity and recognition of their dreams. Money can be applied to any needs relevant to artistic pursuits, in visual, performing, or written arts (uses might include application, audition or entry fees, supplies, lessons, mentorships, living costs and especially travel, when it becomes a viable option).
I would be especially inclined to support students with ideas that are nature-themed or inspired by the beauty of and respect for the natural world, or the convergence or contrast of the man-made world and the natural world, and also would support students who are not sure what they want to do but show initiative and desire for journaling and photography who would be interested in sharing their experiences and works at a later date. There is no contingency that the student must enter a college program after the gap year, but some evidence of a future plan should be also expressed in the student’s personal statement. This scholarship is offered under the name of my new art studio/gallery and is also very close to my heart and my own experiences and those of my children. I was raised in a family that did not have many resources, but did strive to be supportive, especially of a life in the arts and humanities. My own children have all taken gap years, had homeschooling experiences and many travel adventures that have offered a break from traditional settings, enhanced their perspective of natural and cultural worlds, and also helped foster respect for the balance of needs and understanding of inequities we experience in our society as individuals and groups. And in our current situation, nobody really knows what will be happening, except that the virtual world is becoming more commonplace. Students are having to commit to decisions which present a new array of uncertainties, more than the usual. I would think more students than ever might embrace gap year possibilities at this time. The recipient student is also invited to show a body of work, or a presentation of experiences at honeyjones gallery after their gap year adventure (or gap several months) comes to an end and they are ready to go to the next stage in continuous transitions toward emotional and social maturity and artistic and financial independence.