C o l o r L i g h t S o u l
October 14 - November 7, 2020
The inspiration for our current theme is a memory.
Lying in the loft of my childhood home, I was toying with a small angular glass object and asked my mother what it was. Prism, she said. What a beautiful word. I held this prism in my grubby little fist and turned it over and over to the light streaming in from the windows.
This is a peaceful and powerful memory, one that subconsciously deepened my sense of place in the universe...playing with a rainbow when there was time to ponder and wonder, make connections, build memories of what those colors felt like, and how they recalled other things.
This was a defining time in which color in the air was immediately resonant, and now linked to memory as life grows on. Very timely now it is, on the heels or wings of our first showing The Road, which was a nostalgic homage to the notion of the journey in an much altered and somewhat restricted new society. In both, the soul has been held somehow captive. In a time of great changes, a transition, as we are watching the leaves change color and fall, we are yearning for our other life, a beautiful life; the turning of a prism in the light releasing endless color and a captive mind revisiting images and emotions of that lighter state of being.
The five artists represented in this show use color in vibrant chunks, exuberant waves, wanton streams, transparent layers, and corporal and ephemeral forms. Deep, dripping, glowing, and fading colors suggest the beginning and underbelly of things, growth, indecision, transition, and ultimately, transcendence to a lightness of being, bearing witness to not only basic needs but intrinsic soulful yearnings.
Thank you for visiting -
12 works of art from this show were sold and went home with their new caretakers.
Photos from the gallery and a short video are at the end of the page
Brigitte Conant
Brigitte is a mother, dental hygenist, animal rescuer and an artist who works in fluid acrylic pouring, a technique that she learned many years ago as a student in her native Lithuania. She returned to this exciting and uniquely changeable process during the Covid pandemic and has since enjoyed very welcome receptions of her artwork in the town of Nahant where she lives with her family. Brigitte is working on a series of larger works that she is very excited to share with a wide audience.
Facebook: Brigita's fluid artistry
instagram: @brigitasfluidartistry
shop: www.redbubbl.com/Brigitasart

Barbara Trachtenberg
A self-taught visual artist, Barbara is
a color-lover who works in acrylics, papier collé, photography,
assemblage and more. Her life is, and has been, a vibrant amalgam of advanced academic study and professional work, humanitarian endeavors, world travel and visual artistry. Her work has been shown throughout New England, including in many exhibitions with the Cambridge Art Association. Barbara is also a MacDowell Colony Fellow in writing.
Six of Barbara's large abstract expressionist paintings are on display in the honeyjones gallery.
One of Barbara's newest works, Factory of Evil was also chosen for Cambridge Art Association's upcoming RED 2020 exhibition at the Kathryn Shultz gallery, beginning on November 4th.

Diane Novetsky
Diane Novetsky is a Somerville, MA painter and a founding member of the Brickbottom Artists’ Association and Building. Her work has been widely shown throughout the region including the Art Complex Museum in Duxbury, Galatea Fine Arts Gallery, Danforth Museum of Art, Tufts University Aidekman Gallery, Nave Gallery, New Hampshire Institute of Art, Brickbottom Artists’ Building and the Boston Convention Center. Diane’s work is included in many private as well as corporate collections.
Two of Diane's acrylic paintings as well as two of her monotypes are currently on display at honeyjones.
instagram: @dianenovetsky
Gwen Frankfeldt
Gwen is an artist, graphic designer and local Cantabrigian who works in oils, acrylics and mixed media in vivid swaths of color. She is "thrilled by the bloom and glow of colors and the resonances they create together" and has shown her artwork through Cambridge Open Studios and North Cambridge Arts. Gwen is also a singer and long-time participant in Mystic Chorale and member of the Village Harmony All-Countries Choir. Ms. Frankfeldt is a founding member of the Cambridge Co-housing Community.
Joanne Simon
Originally from London, and having recently become a U.S. citizen, Joanne's formal art training began at the Wimbledon Art School (London), followed by four years at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Israel's national school of art.
Joanne tries to create works that are thought provoking. The themes she explores are often, but not always, inspired by cultural events and include historical and mythological inspirations and references such as Narcissus and Nike. Her works also often express the ephemeral glory in the movement of dance and transient freedom of butterflies.
Several of Joanne's monotypes are now gracing the gallery walls.
Ms. Simon is represented by Chase Young Gallery, Boston, which has kindly agreed to have her work shown here at honeyjones.

Ursula 18 x 22 acrylic pour on canvas
RBG Rebirth, acrylic on canvas

The Other Red Door 25 x 31 framed acrylic on canvas

Spellbound 20.75 x 31 framed monotype on etching paper

Path to the Sea 10 x 8 oil on canvas

Looking Out to Sea 10 x 8 oil on canvas

Migrants 30 x 20.75 unframed monotype

Victory Dance, unframed 30 x 20.75 monotype
